Tuesday, August 14, 2007

All Smiles for the First Day of School?

School started today at The King's Academy for the Watkins'. Don't they look so excited? They WERE kinda excited but they would never admit it . They wanted me to hurry up and take the "first day" picture so they smiled real big! :)

We were all tired when we got home this afternoon. A few of us were so tired we came home and took a nap. I am working on Tuesdays again at the school at the front desk. What a blessing to be able to work at the school and see my cuties and so many other wonderful people. It is truly one of my favorite places to be! I especially love being at the front desk cause I get to see so many people and talk and of my very favorite things to do! :) But I am also looking forward to Fridays (my day off)! Look out Starbucks!

So here's the lowdown on who is in what grade: Ri -10th grade; Garr- 8th grade; Con-6th grade; Bradyboy-4th grade; and Caroline Marie-1st grade! Yikes! Time is flying by!

One of the best parts of my day was when Caroline actually put on her socks and shoes (not flip-flops like she's been wearing all Summer mind you) and didn't freak out cause her "socks didn't feel right" in her shoes! They felt fine! What a great start to the day! Yea! Small things in life can be so big, ya know?!

Another great start to the day was that we actually arrived at school in about 12 minutes! Wowee! So cool! I love living closer to school!


rhonniegirl said...

What a great couple of pics! It must be awesome to work at Kings. You sound perfect for the position too. The cool thing is you get to smile and wave and make faces at your children in the halls!


Jenn said...

Your kids look so cute. You must be so proud of them.

Anonymous said...

What a nice picture of all of them!!! You sound like me with the talking! Hee Hee!! :)


Anonymous said...

What a fun blog! Love the pix and all the family times info. Makes me want to live in Watkins' World!! :o)
Vikki in Walters' World